Monday, April 14, 2008

Have You Signed A Petition For The People of Darfur?

Have you signed any Darfur petitions? If not, don't worry! I've got you covered. Below I have a few online petitions that are worth signing. I have the organization that created the petition listed. Next to the name of the organization I have the name of the petition. Below each link is a brief description of the petition.
Make A Difference Today. Sign one, some, or even all the petitions. It only take one minute or two. This minute could change and save a person's life. Let's get involved and become active. You may think this issue isn't affecting you today but no one knows what tomorrow may bring. Help bring an end to the genocide in Darfur, Sudan.


Save Darfur - The House of Representatives Must Act
Petition urging your representative to support an official Congressional letter to Chinese President Hu telling him that his indifference toward Darfur is unacceptable and China must act immediately

Save Darfur - Federal Contracts Ban
Petition asking President Bush to implement the Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act and make sure U.S. tax dollars do not reward foreign companies that help fund genocide

Save Darfur – Helicopters for Darfur
Petition urging President Bush to work to secure the 24 helicopters necessary for the UNAMID to make the peacekeeping mission for Darfur a successful one

Amnesty International USA - InstantKarma
Petition urging heads of state, including President Bush, to live up to their own promises on Darfur by creating a timeline and benchmarks to get U.N. peacekeepers on the ground and to provide financial support for the mission and humanitarian operations - Funds and visibility generated from the Instant Karma CD and related material will allow Amnesty to respond even more effectively to the changing situation in Darfur, helping the organization push for decisive action to end the violence. More than 50 musical artists, including U2, Green Day, Ben Harper, and Aerosmith, have joined this international effort that combines John Lennon music, technology, and human rights activism

Globe for Darfur – Don’t Look Away
Petition urging authorities to demand that the Sudanese government, armed groups, and the Janjawid militia halt attacks against civilians and humanitarian agencies; also to ensure that UN peacekeepers are deployed expeditiously and fully

Human Rights First - Act to End Chinese Arms Transfers to Sudan
Petition urging the government of China to immediately halt all arms sales to Sudan and support the extension of the United Nations Security Council arms embargo on Darfur to all of Sudan

Physicians for Human Rights - Protect Women and Girls from Sexual Violence in Darfur
Petition asking President Bush to help protect the women and girls of Darfur from sexual violence

Investors Against Genocide –Take Action against Problem Investment Companies
Petition sending a message to companies that have largei nvestments in PetroChina, the worst of the major oil companies funding genocide in Darfur

Darfur Genocide - Demand Peace and Justice in Darfur - "A New Sudan"
Petition lobbying national governments, the African Union and the UN, and raise the call for "A New Sudan" in the media

Darfur Consortium – China’s Role in the Darfur Crisis
Petition that criticizes China’s role in the Darfur crisis to date - By signing the petition one encourages “all non-governmental, intergovernmental, citizens’ and grassroots organizations seized with the Darfur matter continue to make their voices heard and act in concert to assist the people of Darfur to quickly realize their dream of hope and peace

Our Pledge - SECURE JUSTICE for Darfur
Petition requesting that President Bush supports the International Criminal Court's case on Darfur by providing important declassified intelligence to the ICC's prosecutors

Human Rights First - Urge China to Help Darfur's Displaced People
Petition asking China to pressure Khartoum to immediately stop forcibly displacing the people of Darfur, and allow aid workers to help these internally displaced persons, or IDPs, wherever they are located

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking to one of our petitions, and thanks for your good work! Keep it up. -Best, Nikki (

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