Thursday, March 6, 2008

Please Help Save The People Of Darfur, Sudan

The conflict in Darfur, Sudan, has led to some of the worst human rights abuses imaginable, including systematic and widespread murder, rape, abduction and displacement. Hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed by both deliberate and indiscriminate attacks, and over 2.5 million civilians have been displaced. Though violence persists, the UN Security Council has mandated what may be an effective peacekeeping operation to guarantee security for the people of Darfur.

The conflict raging in Darfur continues to take its largest toll on civilians in the region. Over 250,000 Darfuris have become refugees in Chad, and more than 2 million are internally displaced in Sudan. Humanitarian aid agencies have a difficult time assisting both groups due to ongoing insecurity that endangers their personnel and prevents them access to the people who need help. The spread of the conflict into Chad has also uprooted over 170,000 Chadians who remain vulnerable to attacks by armed groups, prompting the need for an effective security presence in Eastern Chad, as well as Darfur.

Since February 2003, armed actors in Darfur, including Sudanese government forces, the pro-government Janjawid militia and rebel groups have used rape, displacement, and mass murder as weapons of war. Women and girls, especially those who have been displaced from their communities, have been subject to acts of sexual violence and other brutal assaults. Many women and girls that survive this violence suffer long-term mental and physical illness, social stigmatization and significant economic hardship.

Did you know the first and most powerful step you can take is signing online petitions? The stroke of one key is just as powerful as a stroke of a pen. You now have the power and technology to save someone's life. It doesn't take long. Please take the time to click on the links below and sign these online petitions! Forward these petitions to your friends and their friends. It's not SPAMMING . It's called CARING!

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